none different.

Friday, March 19, 2010

father sky and cedar.

dear cali, oh hi: life isn't a challenge to see how much food you can consume in a day, everyday. jesus christ.
today denice and i fed ducks but mostly geese and denice called them "fat assholes," and i laughed a lot at that.
at work i discussed, at great length, the hilarious and traumatizing aftermath of accidentally purchasing 'AM instead of HAM. what is 'am? was it once ham? a variation? twice boiled ham? ham from a hamsack? clams in clamshackles?
no it's brainmeat. we toyed with the idea of it being pressed and molded into the shape of a radio with functional knobs and antennae.

bedroom dancingg YYAY!!


  1. have you seen(/fed) that fish with the big round mouth lately? i think that was one of the highlights of my life.
