is getting so popular on my roll-down address menu up top there that is has nearly surpassed ninja video* where i attempt to watch skins but it doesn't work so i try to watch it's always sunny in philadelphia** and it also doesn't work and i broke down and watched half of the first episode of jersey shore? or jersey beach or whatever? then solemnly closed my laptop. yes that was the same night i watched austin powers the spy who shagged me. when did this become a pit of shames?
*which i always call, "video ninja," to which luke replies, "it's not an actual ninja, cali."
** the internet bitchninja can suck a major doogie cuz jensen got me season IV on dvd yessssss.
ugh i still really want to watch those skins episodes, though.
i invented a rice pudding tonight i think? i boiled basmati in coconut milk with sugar and cocoa and cinnamon. served it with cream and sliced bernerners. bulbormnords. with some more cinnamon on top YEAHDANG.
you can come over and have some if you want.
dev moving in has been a brilliant awesome thing.

they spelled "zebrathing" wrong.