none different.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

advanced green and PHANTOM BOWLING.

because no one actually went bowling.
i've decided on the names of my next two dogs: dog one will be "mallfood" and dog two will be "sexdog."
and i'll excitedly tell people to watch-the-fuck-out (!!) for the adventures of MALLFOOD and SEXDOG (!!!). then gesticulate wildly in the direction of two sleeping dogs on a dumb rug beside a small pile of kibbly dogpuke. i also imagined, but did not mention, that i would be wearing a cape. and the next scene is me cleaning up the vomit sadly, still wearing the cape. this just became a tiny film.

cecil ryan threatens to leave home.

right. in the physical world, i bought a hardcover copy of the norton anthology of theory and criticism today from the library, it was three dollars! i'm nerding out with joy. but it's a hundred dollars new! AND the norton anthology of poetry. eight bucks! new best friends.

1 comment:

  1. remember last night when you tried to tell me the story of how you bought the norton anthology of theory and criticism for three dollars and i was like "YEAH. ALREADY KNOW. READ IT ON THE BLOG!"

